Embracing the Next Right Thing

Fork in wooded trailhead

In our sessions, you’ll often hear me refer to the concept of “the next right thing.” Yes, I borrowed it from Frozen 2, and yes, I might know all the words to that song.

Too often, we find ourselves paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice. What if this decision leads to [insert wild worst-case scenario]? The truth is, there are no inherently wrong choices.

I recall a story about a man standing at a fork in the road. He consulted his intuition, asking, “Left or right?” Intuition responded, “Left, definitely left.” With confidence, he set off down that path, only to encounter a roadblock. Perplexed, he asked his intuition, “Why left?” It replied, “I know you—if I had said right, you’d always wonder about left.”

Every choice offers an opportunity to gain experience and make informed decisions.
Imagine you’re deliberating between two options. You choose one, engage with it, and your gut feeling says, “Nope, not for me.” So, you move on to the other option.

If we try to script every outcome, we risk missing the unexpected joys. Consider a current choice in your life. Which option sparks a little more excitement?